Jumat, 20 Januari 2012


Seorang amerika , thomas edison ( 1847-1931 ) dikeluarkan dari sekolah karena guru-gurunya berpikir dia anak yang lamban . akan tetapi , dia menjadi salah satu penemu dunia terbesar. pada tahun 1871 , edison merancang mesin pesawat teleghraf , yang dapat mengirim berita ekonomi secara langsung pada perdagangan saham. keuntungan dari penemuan ini memungkinkan dia mendirikan laboratorium penelitian dan mengubah penemuannya menjadi suatu industri. penemuan terakhirnya adalah bola lampu listrik dan gramofon.
 An American, Thomas Edison (1847-1931) expelled from school because his teachers thought he was a slow child. however, he became one of the world's greatest inventors. in 1871, Edison teleghraf designing aircraft engines, which can send a direct economic news on stock trading. advantages of the present invention allows him to establish research laboratories and transform his invention into an industry. latest invention is an electric light bulb and phonograph.


Archimedes adalah ahli matematika yunani dan juga penemu hukum archimedes ( 287 - 212 SM ) terkenal ketika dia melompat dari bak mandinya sambil berteriak " Eureka " !, karena dia menemukan bagaimana dan mengapa benda- benda terapung. dia merancang mesin perang yang dipakai oleh orang-orang yunani kuno di medan pertempuran , dan membuat serta memberi namanya untuk sebuah pompa putar untuk mempompa air. dia juga menemukan ilmu hidrostatika- ilmu tentang gaya-gaya yang bekerja pada fluida.
 Greek mathematician Archimedes is also the inventor of the law and Archimedes (287-212 BC) famous when he jumped from his bath shouting "Eureka"!, Because he discovered how and why things float. he designed the war machine that is used by people of ancient Greece on the battlefield, and making and giving its name to a rotary pump for water pumps. he also discovered the science-the science of hydrostatics forces acting on the fluid.

Penemuan Yang Gagal

       Penemuan sering kali tidak berhasil. Beberapa penemuan sama sekali gagal karna kesalahan dasar pemahaman atau pengetahuan penemunya. Penemuan lain gagal karna, walaupun alat itu cerdik, sebenarnya alat itu tidak menghemat waktu atau usaha. Beberapa penemuan tidak dapat diandalkan, mahal , atau tidak praktis sama sekali , yaitu :
- kipas dengan penggerak motor gas
-telepon buatan edison , dll .
fakta tentang kegagalan :
* penemu arthur  pedrick gagal mengkomersialkan satupun dari 162 buah penemuanya
*salah satu penemuan john logie baird yang tidak berhasil adalah kaos kaki yang dapat hangat sendiri
*sepeda listrik gagal karena baterainya terlalu besar.

Raden Ajeng Kartini

Lahir: jepara,21 april 1879
Wafat: rembang,17 september 1904
Makam:desa bulu,kecamatan bulu,rembang
Raden adjeng kartini,atau sebenarnya lebih tepat disebut raden ayu kartini,berasal dari kalangan priyayi,atau kelas bangsawan jawa.ia merupakan putri dari raden mas sosroningrat,bupati jepara.sampai usia 12 tahun,kartini di perbolehkan bersekolah di ELS(europese lagere school).di sini antara lain kartini belajar bahasa belanda.tetapi setelah usia 12 tahun,ia harus tinggal di rumah karena dipingit.
Karena kartini dapat berbahasa belanda,di rumah ia mulai belajar sendiri dan menulis surat kepada teman-temannya korespondensinya yang berasal dari belanda.dari buku-buku,koran,dan majalah eropa,kartini tertarik pada kemajuan berpikir para perempuan eropa.dari sana timbul keinginannya untuk memajukan perempuan pribumi,di mana kondisi sosial saat itu membuat perempuan pribumi berada pada status sosial yang rendah.
Pada surat-surat kartini tertulis pemikiran-pemikirannya tentang kondisi sosial saat itu,terutama tentang kondisi perempuan pribumi.sebagian besar surat-suratnya berisi keluhan dan gugatan,khususnya menyangkut budaya di jawa yang di pandang sebagai penghambat kemajuan perempuan.ia ingin para wanita memiliki kebebasan untuk menuntut ilmu dan belajar.
Oleh orang tuanya,kartini di suruh menikah dengan bupati rembang,raden adipati  joyodiningrat,yang sudah pernah memiliki tiga istri.kartini menikah pada tanggal 12 november 1903.suaminya mengerti keinginan kartini dan memberikannya kebebasan dan dukungan untuk mendirikan sekolah wanita di sebelah timur pintu gerbang kompleks kantor kabupaten rembang.
Anak pertama dan sekaligus terakhir kartini,yaitu R.M.Soesalit,lahir pada tanggal  13 september 1904.empat hari setelah melahirkan kartini meninggal pada usia 25 tahun.
Setelah kartini wafat,Mr.J.H.Abendanon mengumpulkan  dan membukukan surat-surat yang pernah dikirimkan R.A.Kartini  kepada teman-temannya di eropa.buku itu di beri judul Door Duisternis tot Licht,yang artinya habis gelap terbitlah terang.
Di kemudian hari,didirikanlah sekolah wanita oleh yayasan kartini di semarang pada tahun 1912,dan kemudian di surabaya,yogyakarta,malang,madiun,cirebon,dan daerah lainnya.nama sekolah tersebut adalah”sekolah kartini”.yayasan kartini ini didirikan oleh keluarga Van Deventer,seorang tokoh politik etis.

Kamis, 05 Januari 2012

Chinese folklore

          Long ago in China, there is a magistrate named Wang Wenzheng. He is known for its patience, tolerance and forgiveness. Never seen anyone get angry with others or grumble.
One day his family wanted to test the level of patience. They serve a clean bowl of white rice and a bowl of soup meat with dirt on it. When Wang Wenzheng see the dirt, he did not touch the soup. He calmly ate a bowl of rice with no side dishes until they run out.

       When the neighbor Wang built his house, he piled mountains of building materials and cement in front of the fence Wang, so that Wang could not enter the house through the front fence. Wang must enter through the side door of a small and short so that whenever he had to duck into. But Wang did not complain to the neighbors or grumble to anyone. Continues until a neighbor Wang finished building his house and the front door can be reused.

       Tolerance and forgiving nature Wang is shown an example for today's people who generally do not accept if harmed by others.

John Adams

      John Adams, Jr.. (Born in Quincy, Massachusetts, United America, October 30, 1735 - died in Quincy, Massachusetts, United States, July 4, 1826 at age 90 years) is the President of the United States (1797-1801) both. He also served as Vice President of the United States (1789-1797) first. As a politician, he is remembered as the Founding Fathers (Founding Father) United States.John Adams became one of the leaders of the independence movement to liberate America from England.
        He also signed the Proclamation of Independence was announced on July 4, 1776. In the war of independence he served in France and the Netherlands as a diplomat and helped negotiate a peace. In 1788 until 1796, he became the first American Ambassador to Britain. He also served as vice president with the first term of 1789 until 1797.In 1764 he married Abigail Adams, and from this marriage he had 5 children.
         In 1796 John Adams won the second presidential election and defeating Thomas Jefferson, who is actually reluctant to be nominated as president. Thomas Jefferson later became vice president to John Adams. By the time he served as president, the war between France and England led to many difficulties for the United States in international seas, because of this, many oranAmerika want war. But President John Adams did not want to declare war on France. But he ordered the U.S. Navy in a state of getting ready for combat.
        At first, American shipping was powerless to face the French ships that attack, but in the year 1800 commercial ships that are armed and American warships managed to ensure the safety of the streets of the sea. When John Adams heard that the French did not want to fight, he sent a peace mission to France to end the war that the semi-official.
      This peace mission triggered an uproar in the party. Since earlier this peace mission ever sent before sebayak 3 times, and each time rejected by the French peace mission. The American people do not understand, why the peacekeeping mission should be sent back in a state of Americans over the wind.
      At that time Americans have Republicans and Federalists Party. Anger in the party federalist party split into two parts, and due to a major schism in his party, President John Adams lost the next presidential election.President John Adams was the first president to inhabit the White House.
        At the time occupied by John Adams, the White House has not been completed. On the second day he inhabits the damp and the White House mess, he wrote a letter to his wife that read,"I pray to God to bestow gifts to this House and all the people who will occupy it.Hopefully the only people who are honest and wise who will reign in this building."
        President Franklin Roosevelt and then carved the words above the fireplace where the White House state dining room. John Adams left the White House in 1801. He watched his son John Quincy Adams, was inaugurated as the sixth President of the United States in 1824.John Adams died on July 4, 1826.